Jessica Wright Weinstock is a writer, mother and co-founder of The B(e)aring All Project.  Jessica finds comfort and connection in the world of storytelling; prior to writing pieces about her road to motherhood, she was an actress who performed in theater and television. 

Inspired by authentic and candid conversations, she hopes to help create a community that will bring support to those navigating the often isolating and stigmatizing path to parenthood. 

Jessica’s personal nonlinear journey towards parenthood took many paths: two terminations for medical reasons (TFMR), two emergency c-sections, secondary infertility, two miscarriages, IVF, giving birth two months prematurely and a 5.5 week NICU stay.  

She contributed to the book Dream Redefined as well as the anthology,  Flowers in our Womb; her published essays have been featured in Glamour Magazine and Daily Dot. A native Angeleno, she lives in Los Angeles with her husband, two sons and two rescue dogs.


Stacy Bernstein is an entrepreneur, mother and co-founder of The B(e)aring All Project. A brand visionary who has spent the last decade cofounding several businesses while creating immersive partnerships, Stacy has found meaningful ways to connect with families through storytelling. 

Some of these brand partners include Target, Pottery Barn Kids, Converse, Levi’s, West Elm and Splendid. While she was fortunate enough to experience three mostly drama free pregnancies, followed by three mostly drama free births, Stacy began to intimately understand the devastating heartbreak, loss and grief that accompanied Jessica’s experience. Recognizing the isolation inherent in her dear friend’s experience, she had the idea to create a community that humanizes these taboo subjects and painful realities to help support a cultural shift around all things pregnancy and fertility related. 

A native Angeleno, Stacy lives in Los Angeles with her husband and three children and rescue puppy, Frank.