(child) Free Woman

I'm not one to buy into conspiracies or assume the worst, but after seeing the reactions from the angry republican men over @chelseahandler 's (comedy) video, I think there's no denying that this is fully about control.

They love a childless woman. she's sad, she can be pitied, she can be looked down upon and their own personal choices about having kids are affirmed and superior. You poor, sad, barren woman.

A childfree woman is exactly that, free. she doesn't need your pity, she doesn't even want it. She is living her life exactly the way she wants to, not bound to a man for 18 years, not living the life society has foisted on her from infancy.

Whether we come to being childfree through the valley of childlessness, or start there from a young age, they don't know what to do with us. There's no box we can be pushed into, no tidy little category to place us under. If we are rejecting the very thing we've been told is our purpose, Gosh, what else are we going to do?

A comment almost every one of those men made towards Chelsea was that she's actually miserable. I get these comments too, and I get them often. i think it's the easiest way these small minded people can reconcile a happy woman. She must secretly be unhappy, that's what it is. There's no possible way she is actually this full of joy. and what a great argument that is. There's no possible way to prove them wrong.

So here's to my boring, meaningless, miserable childfree life and continuing to live a life that makes white republican men really, really angry.

~Tiffany J Marie @tiffany.jmarie


Pregnancy after Loss is…

