I’m Religious and I had an Abortion

Last year I terminated a pregnancy for a severe neural tube defect.

The days in between my decision and actually having the procedure were hell. I cannot even imagine where I’d be physically or emotionally if I were forced to continue that pregnancy.

For Orthodox Jews, the reversal of Roe v Wade is a topic that deserves our attention. Jewish law has its own unique approach to terminating pregnancies and one of the benefits of being an American citizen is the ability to live according to one’s religious beliefs. Restricting the ability to terminate a pregnancy could preclude even terminations that are sanctioned by one’s religious authorities.

Abortions are incredibly complex, emotional and personal. The government shouldn’t insert itself into this intimate decision between a woman and her ethical/religious principles.

When women’s health issues become politicized it causes instant aversion and avoidance of these topics. It doesn’t need to be this way. Nuances and grey areas are uncomfortable. But, at the very least, we can open our eyes and hearts. Let’s not look away.

~Sahar Wertheimer


Breathing for Darby


Save Your Heartbreak